wir sind artisten's profileCarina Lindmeier's profile


»Knödelversum« is a product brand started by Andreas Schaad, in which everything revolves around dumplings. The two terms »Knödel« (»dumpling«) and »Universum« (»universe«) are merged on the textual level: »Knödelversum« (»dumplingverse«). The ingredients come from local producers, the dumplings are hand-rolled and delivered in plastic-free packaging.

We created the visual identity and the packaging design of »Knödelversum«. The logo is inspired by our planetary system and embodies the weightlessness of space. The basic idea of the branding was to stage »Knödelversum« in a setting with unusual illustrations. To this end, we created various characters whose heads are made of a dumpling and who are engaged in activities that symbolise rolling movements and the lightness of the dumplings. Each sort of dumpling is one planet of the »Knödelversum«: »Heidelbeerde«, »Oranus«, »Kürbiter«, »Schinkus«, »Spinaturn« and »Bärkur«. And who knows which planets are still to be discovered out there …
