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Tourismusverband Stainach-Pürgg

With its new corporate design, Tourismusverband Stainach-Pürgg (tourist board for Stainach-Pürgg) focuses on individuality. Cultural diversity, distinctive natural features and unique leisure opportunities comprise the added value of the region, which is also reflected in the new appearance.

Separated into eleven geometric shapes symbolising the eleven villages of the tourism region, the logo as connecting element is, in sum, an abstract representation of the local Grimming mountain. As visual anchor and heart of the region, this iconic figurative mark ensures a high level of recognition and identification. The branding is reinforced by the colour scheme, which follows local seasonal moods, facets of the landscape and historic characteristics. Typographical refinement increases the logo character, bringing about an appropriation of the Grimming mountain also in visual terms and, at the same time, expressing the actual geographical anchorage.

Tourismusverband Stainach-Pürgg

Tourismusverband Stainach-Pürgg
