The Silent Music Box
Image Making / Editorial Design

Most people enjoy music and have developed a preference for a certain genre or genres. At the same time, there are others who cannot enjoy music belonging to any genre at all; the ones who are not privileged enough to enjoy music due to physical disabilities such as loss of hearing. My aim was to find a relationship between graphics and music to collate and present songs from few different genres, which can be enjoyed without the sense of hearing.

This project is meant to be a limited edition collectible item named “The Silent Music Box” which consists of ten songs from five different genres. A relationship was constructed by analysing music notation to visualise songs. Silhouettes were used to present lyrics or the story line. Main drum beats were characterised by transparent 3D glue dots, to be sensed with touch. Moreover, the vinyl representations (circular cardboard cutouts) are rotatable, simulating a similar movement to a vinyl on a record player.
   This is an animated GIF and may take time to load. 
The Silent Music Box


The Silent Music Box

A multi-sensory musical experience that doesn't rely on sound, but on vision and touch, designed specifically for hearing-impaired music enthusia Read More
