Recent Gallery Show
I visited Ireland for two weeks in June of 2009.  Best trip ever!  I have truly fallen in love with the country.  So lush and beautiful that I honestly felt I was home.  I was only able to venture through the eastern and northern part of Ireland.  I will be visiting in the future and hope to journey through the west and south part of it as well.

I'd like to share with you photographs I took (the only photographs I took while visiting) of a Monastery/Park located in Galway; the Hellfire Club in Dublin; and the hilly side of Carrick-A-Reed.  I lucked out when I went to visit.... It only rained 3 days out of the two weeks I stayed there!!  When the sun shines on the Green Isles... it looks truly magical....
All images are Copyrighted.  Nadia Cheema © 2009


Landscape shots of Ireland for a gallery show done in 2009.
