Bookcover Redesign
"Vanishing Acts" by Jodi Picoult
In this first project for my typography 2 class we were to do a book cover redesign.  We were to read 3 different books and then decide which one we wanted to go forward with in the redesign process.  We created 3 different book covers that had 3 separate audience personas that we were targeting.  One of mine was targeted at an 8th grade girl, the second at a college student girl, and the third was a working mom.  I chose to work with 3 different symbols that were reflected in my book for each cover.  They are 3 different directions, but still the minimalist approach I was trying to achieve.
This book cover was targeted at the 8th grade girl because of the child-like appearance in type and the pearls. 

left to right: interior flap 1, back cover, spine, front cover, interior flap 2
This is the pattern that went inside the book cover above.  It is a continuous string of pearls and part of it spells out the name of the title.
This book cover was targeted at the working mom because it has a reference to alcohol and also a baby bottle, which would be most appropriate in relating to a mom's life.

left to right: interior flap 1, back cover, spine, front cover, interior flap 2
This is the interior pattern for the book above,  It is a continuous pattern of alcohol bottles.
This book cover was targeted at the college student because it looks more sophisticated and advanced from the distressed looking cover.  It also looks a little bit more scary, but also intriguing.

left to right: interior flap 1, back cover, spine, front cover, interior flap 2
This is the interior pattern for the book above.  It is a continuous pattern of lemon trees like the one reflected on the cover.
Bookcover Redesign

Bookcover Redesign

In this project we were to read three books and then choose one of them to redesign 3 different covers for.
