Andrea Mayans Pérez's profile

Etxea - Identity Guidelines

Etxea is a Basque cultural centre located in Barcelona where culture is promoted through workshops, exhibitions and talks.  

Etxea's identity is based on a set of images, symbols and typographies originating from the Basque Country, which characterise the brand, through which the brand expresses and communicates itself. The following pages briefly explain the manual for the use of the resources and elements that make up this identity, in order to adapt the content to the most appropriate medium, online, offline, print.
The concept on which Etxea is based is as follows: 
To keep Basque culture alive through its language, symbols and traditions.  

Our aim is to use representative elements of the Basque people, such as the Basque language, together with other features such as typical symbols and colours.
The main typography is that of the logo, this is the "Basque Light regular" we will always use it in regular, so that it follows a corporate aesthetic and a unification in the design can be seen. 
The obstacle we have with this typography uses a very spaced trag and does not contain accents, so we will always use it in capitals and mostly in short words or single letters.
These would be the versions of the logo that cannot be used as it is not part of your rules and therefore does not work and is not applicable.
For the visual system, a high quality vertical image track will be used. This format is the most adherent to the system and works together with the typography, the images may not be superimposed by other images or letters.
Here are the project's online and offline applications:
Etxea - Identity Guidelines


Etxea - Identity Guidelines
