Andrea Mayans Pérez's profile

Santa&Cole - Art Direction

In response to the contemporary consumer's quest for transparency and a more profound connection with their belongings, our international campaign aims to spotlight Santa & Cole's iconic products, particularly those crafted by Miguel Milá.

Our goal is twofold: showcase the exceptional design of Miguel Milá and narrate the unique stories behind each product. We believe these lamps are not mere objects but living witnesses to our daily lives, translating into our campaign theme, "Behind the scars."
This initiative serves as a storytelling platform, sharing the rich history and experiences associated with Miguel Milá's lamps. Through compelling visuals and narratives, we seek to humanize these products, portraying them as companions that silently witness and embody the stories of their owners.

Utilizing various media channels, including social media, blogs, and video content, we will authentically convey the craftsmanship, quality, and emotional connection embedded in each lamp. "Behind the scars" aims to spark curiosity, resonate emotionally with the audience, and foster a deeper appreciation for Santa & Cole's commitment to design excellence.

Ultimately, this international awareness campaign positions Miguel Milá's creations as timeless pieces of art and establishes Santa & Cole as a brand that values authenticity and enduring relationships with our possessions.
We aimed to convey a profound concept by likening the expressions captured in our objects to the scars on people. Each of these expressions, much like a scar on a person, tells a unique and meaningful story. Our intention was to emphasize that, just like scars, the marks on our objects are not imperfections but rather evidence of experiences, moments, and memories that contribute to their individuality and character. Each nuanced line and curve on these items represents a narrative, creating a visual language that speaks to the rich tapestry of stories embedded within them.
Santa&Cole - Art Direction


Santa&Cole - Art Direction
