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My Expert Midwife

Midwife born.

Already gaining a cult following, ambitious co-founders Lesley and Claire came to us with their fledgling brand and a small range of iconic products looking to build on their humble beginnings with a stronger, bolder, more own able identity. Originally only sold online, we needed to ensure stretch into a physical store environment. 

It was important that everything we did stayed true to their matter-of-fact attitude and never shied away from the reality of the issues faced by pregnant women and new mums every day, putting the ‘expert’ at the forefront of the brand, whilst retaining their cheeky personality.

Integral to our design was the bold use of the brand colour, which now stands out proudly on many an Instagram hospital bag post, supported with softer, secondary colours, alluding to the all-natural ingredients and superior product quality. We introduced a simple, graphical illustration style with clean and modern product photography to convey quality, contrasted with real model shots being true to the sheer grit and raw reality of pregnancy and birth. Tone of voice plays a key role in conveying the no-nonsense, cheeky personality of the brand for an inclusive, supportive, “we know how you feel” conversational tone.

As part of our ongoing brand partnership, we are responsible for the graphical execution for all MEM campaigns, ensuring a cohesive, targeted approach across all consumer online, social and paid media. Recent campaigns include ‘putting the u back into mum’ developed to raise the importance of self-care in motherhood, coinciding with the brands third anniversary.

My Expert Midwife