Cité Universitaire de Genève
Large format murals and anamorphic painting

As part of its project to design the common spaces of the Geneva University Residence, Studio Julia Christ invited me to create a mural completing its playful installation. On the theme of the Geneva panorama, I created and painted in situ three large format murals in bright, vivid colors.

The first mural, located on the main wall of the common area, accompanies visitors, for twenty meters, in their walk to the atrium. The second one, painted on three adjacent walls, delimits the relaxation area of ​​the recreation room. The third creation, inspired by the work of artist Georges Rousse, is an anamorphic painting that takes place on different walls of the central space.

The whole project, mixing playful interior design, bright bold painting and colorful modular furniture, offers a nice and attractive place for student to gather, work and play.

Mural artist: Anaïs Coulon  /  Interior design: Studio Julia Christ  /  Painting Assistant: Sandra Pointet
Photography: Sandra Pointet, LocalF11  /  Drone and video: Francesco Distefano, LocalF11
Music: "Airplane Friendship" Buvette

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Cite U Murals

Cite U Murals

Large format murals and anamorphic painting at Cité Universitaire de Genève
