Stanislav Krasowski's profile

Quality real-time graphics on the web page with webGL

Quality real-time graphics on the web page with webGL technology

Project sample of technology object (welding swing):
WebGL can be used to build interactive animations, product configurators, engaging presentations of any kind, online stores, explainers, e-learning content and portfolios
More information on the
This project sample show some 3d features that could be implemented to web interaction:
This project show some interaction with model (swing) such as:
- Object material change
- Animation of some attributes
- Showing object with or without environment 
- Interaction with model (touch, orbit)
Some programming stuff...
Some 3D stuff with Sketchfab:
Quality real-time graphics on the web page with webGL


Quality real-time graphics on the web page with webGL

Quality real-time graphics on the web page with webGL
