Urbane Liga

The “Urbane Liga” is an alliance of young city makers who want to play an active role in the design of their cities.

As a project forge, ideas laboratory and network platform, the “Urbane Liga” aims to strengthen the influence of young adults in Germany by promoting their voice in public discourse, developing joint urban visions and expanding possibilities for action.

Designing a movement for urban change

Together with stadtstattstrand, we have accompanied brand building from the very beginning. In addition to the development of a logo, icons, visual language and colour scheme, we also developed the website. It also serves as a showcase and participation portal for interested parties.

The “Urbane Liga Grotesk” font was designed especially for the project. 
Urbane Liga Grotesk

Concept, Project management, Creative Direction: Laura Bruns
Web development: Julian Schmidt
Urbane Liga

Urbane Liga

The “Urbane Liga” is an alliance of young city makers who want to play an active role in the design of their cities. As a project forge, ideas l Read More
