Group project by- 
Abhishek Yadav
Anshima Yadav
Ketki Ujjainkar
Leeza Kukreja
Shreya Mujumdar
Vidushi Rai


The concept of the shoot is to show the contrast between lives of girls in India. The two subjects come from two entirely different walks of life; the shoot is an aim to understand their connect despite their disparities. In this shoot, the same prop has also been used in two atypical ways for both the subjects. The main subject of the shoot is representative of a female foeticide survivor and how she has struggled to come into this world. The bubble wrap covering her in the first picture is a depiction of the mother’s womb and her solemn expression is a portrayal of her feelings for her family’s unacceptance of her. Even after coming into this world, she feels bound by the rules that the society imposes on girls (her coming from a patriarchal orthodox family). The ropes are representative of those rules and societal pressures that do not allow her to be free. The second subject comes from a more open-minded family wherein she is protected by the security her family provides her. The bubble wrap is a representation of this sense of security. The message of the entire shoot is how women themselves can bring about a change in the society and those who are lucky enough to be born in a supportive and encouraging environment help bring about a change in other’s lives and freeing them of their entrapments. Girls are still considered a burden in certain regions across the country who feel empowered by strong women who give them hope to better their lives.


The message of the entire shoot is how women themselves can bring about a change in the society and those who are lucky enough to be born in a su Read More
