Carlos Martínez's profile

Packaging: Firefox OS - 2012

Firefox OS
Bringing the Open Web to mobile devices
Welcome to a new, open and powerful mobile world!
Firefox OS enables the Open Web as a platform for mobile devices. We’re making innovation possible by driving the development of new Web standards.
Firefox OS is a cutting-edge mobile operating system, designed to render the highest performance. The Web is the Platform, which means not only taking down barriers, but also a lighter system that makes your apps run smoothly and an optimal battery life.
Based on open standards, being open source software, and with the commitment of Mozilla Foundation towards a Free Web, Firefox OS has openness written on its DNA. No barriers means you have now full control on your apps and how you distribute them.
Firefox OS implements the latest web standards, and makes them the core of its inner workings. The concepts of true "multi-platform" becomes a reality, and the developer can take his applications to their full potential.
So, the Firefox OS platform is characterized by:
Openness in application development and access, as well as it’s adaptability integrating diverse services into a single cohesive whole.
A new and ‘simple to use’ smartphone experience that guides users through the vast opportunities offered via the open web.
We had to reflect this in the packaging too!
What were we looking for?
Packaging Exploration
Out Of The Box Experience

Firefox OS - Packaging Exploration
Graphic Design / Packaging

Teléfonica I+D for Geeksphone, Mozilla.

Product Manager, Industrial Design: Marco Ciamatti, 
Creative Direction: Victoria Gerchinhoren

Print Design, Storyboarding & Prototyping: Diana García, Carlos Martínez

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Packaging: Firefox OS - 2012

Packaging: Firefox OS - 2012

Firefox OS - Packaging Exploration Graphic Design / Packaging 2012
