Changing the world
Brief: Image is a very powerful tool and “with great power comes great responsibility” Benjamin Parker. Throughout history, people have used the medium of image to communicate important messages. Messages which speak out, agitate, empower, move, challenge, question and change perceptions.
As visual communicators, you have the ability to tell others about your experience of the world, to impart what you know or feel is important. Through your imagery you can at the very least hope to evoke some sort of interest, maybe provoke a response or reaction, perhaps prompt a discussion or debate and who knows, even alter the course of history.

Through a process of introspective thought, identify an issue that is important to you. Use your skills as a visual communicator to creatively and effectively communicate an associated message to an appropriate and/ or new audience.

After my research, I wanted to change someone’s world or at least make the difference for this person, so I chose to help a real campaign, but it was only in national territory (Brazil), my goal with this project was to try to increase donations and bring more awareness of this rare disease.

I wanted to bring this donator package a sense of something serious but also reminiscent of a child’s joy.
With the poster, I did in test format eyes to also be reminding the audience that this is a disease that affects the eyes mainly.
With the postcards that are part of this package, my approach was to bring impact sentences so that people could feel how it is to be able to have the chance to see again but not have the financial condition for it.

