Mon de León's profile

Social media Carmex

Task: Carmex is a lip balm for both men and women, the task here was to create engaging content for a younger audience, a kind of content that could catch the audience's attention and also position the brand in their top of mind.
Idea:  With the help of amateur beauty bloggers, we created a network that allowed us to position the brand on Instagram and that would be content targeted at women, on the other hand we needed to create content targeted at younger men, so based on trending memes i developed content made for them.
Duties: Art direction, copywriting, social media management.
Alcance: 48,660
Likes: 1961
Shares: 74
Pauta: 100 MXN

Instagram: @carmex_mx
Colaboración con: @amarillopastel
Alcance: 59,682
Likes: 3205
Shares: 59
Pauta: 150 MXN
Link: Fb

Alcance: 31,350
Likes: 674
Shares: 49
Pauta: 50 MXN
Link: Fb
Alcance: 21,250
Likes: 171
Pauta: 50 MXN
Link: Fb
Social media Carmex

Social media Carmex
