Clayton Sattelmayer's profile

Living Large (in a tiny home)

LIVING LARGE (in a tiny home)

The project brief was to create a functional tiny home in less than 200 sq.ft. My goal with this tiny home was to create something modern and functional for a family of 4.
Digital Model
Front View
Back View
Interior View
View from the front door
Loft spaces above the bathroom and bedrooms
Physical Model 1:12 scale
The exterior walls are laser cut from quarter-inch plywood and the door is 3D printed using a Makerbot Replicator Z18
The interior is all made from foamcore. The exterior window features are made from acrylic and cut on the laser cutter. 
Living Large (in a tiny home)


Living Large (in a tiny home)

At only 200 square feet, this tiny home is large enough to sleep a family of four. It features large lofts which are great for storage, and could Read More
