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Posters - I Am Media

I Am Media
I Am Media is an annual event where top speakers from leading companies give inspirational lectures. Especially designed for creatives who want to stay up-to-date.
We decided to give ourselves freedom regarding the designs, because of the target audience of creatives and the theme changing every year. After five years, it became a nice body of work representing the creative nature of the event.
2016 - The Big Seven
This year’s theme is derived from the “7 Characteristics of Creative Thinkers”. At a slot machine, three 7’s is equivalent to winning. So our poster represents the formula for being a successful creative entrepreneur. And we had to make sure to add a rainbow colored sausage and an unicorn. Jackpot!  
2015 - Vision
Last year's theme was Vision, with the subthemes Design, Disrupt, Growth and Tech. We translated these themes into icons. Our intention was to design a poster people will look at twice, so the icons are made as papercraft objects. The small imperfections, colored paper and apparent randomness with which the icons float in space ensure that the overall picture is intriguing. And, creating papercraft is awesome! Besides the poster, the visual identity was implemented in a landing page, internet banners, banners and video.
With the cooperation of Elroy Klee. Photography and video Jacek Selanski.
2014 - Touched
Touched meant a journey through touch points, moments of truth en touch screens. We combined this fusion of technology, people and emotion into a person whose face is literally touched. With a pinch, touch and swipe. In the typography of the word TOUCHED, we incorporated the touching by writing the text with finger paint.
Special thanks to New Day studio for sponsoring the photography.
2013 - Through The Hype
Looking for online developments, products, services, apps and websites that cut through the hype. The tubes in the poster form an intriguing linear pattern that literally move through the letters of the hype.   
2012 - Captivate Your Audience
How do you captivate your audience? By gluing them to the wall. No photoshop for this poster: our friend and part time model Tim was up for the job. 
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Posters - I Am Media

Posters - I Am Media

I Am Media is an annual event where top speakers from leading companies give inspirational lectures. Especially designed for creatives who want t Read More
