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Beyond Dollars whitepaper 2015

The price of Long term care is already high enough. If people do not deal with planning, the cost can go beyond dollars.
Caregivers have to deal with a loss of control – over their emotional well-being, their jobs and, in many cases, their financial situations. Care recipients who formulate a plan and communicate their wishes to their loved ones in advance help to return a degree of control to both parties.
Genworth's research reveals that those who have been through a long term care event wish they had started planning earlier, and believe that planning financially for a long term care event could have saved them thousands of dollars. The findings also confirm the value of long term care insurance to those who have been through a long term care event.
Beyond Dollars whitepaper 2015

Beyond Dollars whitepaper 2015

Art Direction + Design: Terry Douglas Addl. Creative Direction: Gia Owens
