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Project365: Black and White

This week's theme brings us to a dimension where color does not exist.  I hope you like black and white!  
Day 642 [3-23-15] "Limelight" - In California, the weather spoils us :) After days of pure blue, the sky brought some dynamic, cumulus clouds to catch our attention.
Day 643 [3-24-15] "Pimp My Ride... Pretty Please" - Can't go on the maiden voyage unnamed.  Any suggestions?  I'm thinking that "The Beam" sounds just right.  We'll also need more duct tape to hold the roof down, lol.
Day 644 [3-25-15] "Blinding Divide" - A place where pure light escapes, but none may enter.
Day 645 [3-26-15] "Chapped" - Breaking free from an enduring posture.
Day 646 [3-27-15] "Stamens" - Little arms reaching out for bees.
Day 647 [3-28-15] "Diffused Signal" - Playing with silhouettes on translucent glass.
Day 648 [3-29-15] "Broken Lines" - The paint chips away, leaving behind a morse code of distress.
Project365: Black and White

Project365: Black and White

This week's theme brings us to a dimension where color does not exist. I hope you like black and white! -Michael
