"Vicente Rojo Almazán would never have accepted a tribute. His gratitude and generosity, as well as the humility he always showed, led us to talk with his family and agree on the idea that the best way to honor his memory would be to recognize migration as a human right that enriches universal culture. For these reasons, the International Poster Biennial in Mexico is inviting 50 designers to develop a poster that recognizes migration as a natural phenomenon and a human right that we must respect."

I was very honored to be one of the 50 designers invited for this occasion back in 2022. Got inspired during a camping trip when I saw a couple of dandelions ready to see where the wind takes them, wether it was through nature or by my hand.

Now part of the Movement and Permanence for the Right to Migrate collection at the Franz Mayer Museum en la Ciudad de México.
El Viaje


El Viaje
