Endre Bátyi's profile

One Of Many - UX, Branding & Website

One of Many, a platform connecting passionate collectors in the world of trading cards, aimed to establish a compelling digital presence and user-friendly experience.
The company sought a distinctive logo and an engaging website that would captivate collectors and traders alike. As the lead designer for this project, I was entrusted with the task of creating both the brand identity and the website.
Project Scope
The project's scope encompassed the creation of a unique brand identity, including a logo that resonated with collectors, followed by the design and development of a captivating website. The goal was to craft a visually appealing platform that showcased One of Many's services and offered an intuitive space for users to connect and trade.
Several challenges were encountered throughout the project:
Brand Identity: Developing a logo that encapsulated the essence of trading cards while representing the concept of unity and community.
Website Design: Designing a website that seamlessly integrated the brand's identity, ensured an optimal user experience, and effectively conveyed information to the users.
Interactive Elements: Integrating engaging animations and visuals to illustrate the trading process and create an immersive experience.
To address the challenges and fulfill the project's objectives, I followed these steps:
Understanding the Vision: Through detailed conversations, I gained insights into the company's vision, target audience, and specific requirements for the logo and website.
Brand Identity Creation: The logo design process involved multiple iterations to capture the essence of trading cards and community. The final logo symbolized unity through interconnected cards.
Website Design: Utilizing the newly created brand identity, wireframes and mockups were developed to structure the website's layout. The focus was on creating an intuitive navigation and seamless user experience.
Interactive Elements: Lottie animations were employed to add dynamic elements that highlighted the trading process and engaged users.
The process of crafting One of Many's brand identity and website from scratch proved successful, emphasizing the importance of effective collaboration, creativity, and a
 user-focused design approach. By addressing challenges and leveraging a comprehensive design process, a brand identity and website were created that 
effectively conveyed One of Many's mission and values, ultimately connecting 
collectors in a visually appealing and engaging platform.
One Of Many - UX, Branding & Website


One Of Many - UX, Branding & Website
