Karen Ocampo's profile

JREYES Construction LLC

JReyes Construction LLC. is a contractors company based in Puerto Rico. Its main activity is to optimize construction processes and provide contractor services.They handle maintenance, restoration and construction services for commercial buildings and institutions.

The main objective of this new logo was to redesign its old image and reflect modernity. A symbol was required that represented the strength of the name of its founder and at the same time the name of the company.

The monogram combines the name's initials with the silhouette of buildings, showing the dawn of a new sun and a new beginning.

For comercial purposes, the name used: JReyes General Contractor.

Company: JReyes Construction LLC.
Location; Puerto Rico
Year: 2023

Author: Karen Ocampo C. 

Need a new branding proyect?

I am available for new projects! 👉 kaocca.dg@gmail.com​​​​​​​

JREYES Construction LLC


JREYES Construction LLC
