Vivien Bartusz's profile

FLOW Yoga Studio Branding

brand identity
brief by: @brandbrief

Flow yoga studio

Flow is a place where you can center yourself — a yoga studio that allows
you to calm your mind, nurture your body, and achieve clarity. 

My objective was to craft a sophisticated and elegant brand identity
that resonates with the essence of the Flow experience. I chose a tall and thin font that represents
the body movements performed during yoga practice. To further enhance the sense of fluidity,
I added a wavy line to the letter 'L'. The brand mark symbolizes the rhythmic cycle of the moon. 
To emphasize our deep connection with nature, I chose warm brown, beige, and earthy tones. 

In addition, I drew illustrations that serve as integral design and decorative elements for the brand.
And to make sure Flow's strong online presence, I also crafted eye-catching social media
templates and designed a responsive landing page.

FLOW Yoga Studio Branding


FLOW Yoga Studio Branding
