David Van Den Diepstraten's profile

Collection Game Prototype

Collection Game Prototype

Project Overview
This was school assignment to create a game prototype were a player can move around an explore a world collecting a type of resource. It was create over 2 weeks time. My implementation of the project was a tropical  paradise where the player a boat drives around the level looking for fish to collect through the level (20 total). I used the Godot 3.5 engine(used GDScript coding language), Krita drawing tool, Bosca Ceoil for the music and Tilesetter Tilemap creator for this project.
(Entire Level)                                                                                        (In game with UI)
The tile set I created from scratch using Krita to create the base image used in this process and the imported that image into Tilesetter which beaks up the image into a simple tile map setup for use in the level design(image above).
Sprites I created for the game prototype. The boat is the player, the fish is the item to collect in the level, the trees and chest are decorations added to the level. All these sprites were created using Krita.
Looping audio track that plays throughout the game.
Collection Game Prototype

Collection Game Prototype
