My Lord
My Lord is a branding project I did the spring of 2013. The project worked as my Graphic Design exam, where the goal were to create a branding starting point for any type of company/store and finishing of with a website.
My brief was as follows:

Create a website for a fictional barbershop, where they can display their various products. The websites profile is to have a modern and some what high class look, and attract costumers that is on the look out for barber equipment of the finest class.
The design of the project is a combination of the fine craft that traditional barbering is, with modern ways to display the various products and attracts costumers. To really get a feel for the traditions and the craft behid this type of barbering I chose to design a hand lettered logo. Whit the logo I chose three main colors to back up the traditional aspects of the design as well as the clean, classy look that goes with it. I chose black, white
and a beige color to resemble gold.
As a special thanks to the barber equipment store "Dapper", where I was able to take all my product photographs, I created this old fashionned poster design for them, as a humble gift. Check out their website at and their main site for barber equipment
My Lord

My Lord

My lord is a branding project I did as my Graphic Design exam spring 2013
