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Euro Concept Branding

When I started working at Euro Concept I felt that the branding was somewhat dated and unprofessional, so I suggested that I could do some rebranding for them. Creating a new logo and brand identity, I recreated all the things that came with it to have a continuing theme. I wanted to give the company a high-end feel to it, so took inspiration from a high-end design magazine, called ‘Ramp’ who use a lot of black and white and contrasting fonts, which gives it a clean and stylish feel. I carried over the same sky blue into the new branding and the symbol which included the letters ’e’, ‘c’ & ‘i’ and adapted it to fit in with the new typography. On the page below, you can see the website that I designed and created from scratch in WIX.
With the design of the van graphics (below), I aimed to keep it straight to the point and make it plain and simple so I listed the skills that we offer and had the main contact details on it. The pictures on the side were cropped in the shape of the logo and gives a glimpse of some of the stands we’ve made in the past.
At the ECI headquarters, there’s a large sign above the front door (above) that I recreated in the same branding. This time I chose to have a black background and white lettering. The whole thing is printed on vinyl except from the logo which is cut out of acrylic and attached about an inch from the backboard to give it a simple 3D effect.
Above is an A1 poster I created to hand out which simply shows what we could do at Euro Concept and showed some of the companies that they have worked with in the past. Like the van graphics, I had the logo layered over some pictures of the best stands they’ve made in the past. The negative space in these graphics is just as important as the rest of it as it gives the items room to breathe.

Below is a quick example of how the logo could look on a black t-shirt for the staff when they are installing the stands at exhibitions to make a good impression on the client. The font used for the logo gives it a friendly feel.
Euro Concept Branding

Euro Concept Branding
