Designs and design elements for customizable calendar grids and background artwork for Snapfish calendars. User is able to customize online with photos and text which then gets saved and printed into a wall calendar. Background designs and photo/text layouts are independent and interchangeable. Calendars were available in 11x14 and 12x12 form factors as well as a separate desk calendar. Templates were hand-coded.
Create screen showing the top and bottom pages of the calendar month. Top piece is customizable with background artwork and photo/text layouts. The bottom grid is customizable with a user photo per day and one line of text.
Background artwork for Jewel Tones design. Concept was to highlight user photos and provde seasonal color theme options.
Background artwork for Retro Mod design. Color themes related to months.
Below are proposed grid variations to allow user choice of grid designs. The restriction being that it had to use one of the available online user fonts and fit within the existing grid size.
Product shoot of calendars. Various form factors (sizes and paper types) as well as graphic themes shown below. 
Detail of calendar
Back of calendar detail - which shows each customized month as an icon. The page was created as a template and executed in xml for final print creation.
Calendar product


Calendar product

Background designs and grid layout for Snapfish customizable calendars
