Pez Orama's profile

Featured Streamers, in Stubbie Style!

A lot of fun, this one.  I wanted to do a sort "team building exercise," so I made Stubbie Portraits of a few, fellow featured streamers here on Behance.

The funnest part of this was doing research to fine the most accurate biographies for each streamer.  Read under each one to learn their bio, AND to get the link to the actual Live Stream!
Totally not made up bio:

"Not much is known about how Ryan Selvy came into his animation magics and sweet sweet graphic design skills, but the rumors hint at a dark origin, filled with capture and selling of souls, a crossroads, demons, and something about hot dogs."

Follow Ryan and watch the live stream here!
Totally not made up bio:

"There's so much mystery shrouding the origins of iinnk but many have said it was akin to the likes of Achiles and Hercules. We pay homage to this ancient Greek Statue of a man today in Stubbies form.

He's also the biggest Stubbies fan I have, so...there's that."

watch the stream and give him a follow here
totally not made up bio:

"Ms. Sanderson was created by the god of Olympus, Zeus, when he had the sweet reaction of pure joy when he saw an adorable little flower, and he thought, "boy howdy do I love cute, wholesome things...I should do something to perpetuate that." >Poof< Out came MamaHaha, who makes the most adorable, feel-good comics, literally everyday. Hope she enjoys herself as a Stubbie."

Watch the stream and check her page here!
super accurate bio:

"If Ryan Selvy is “Behance Dad,” then Behance Mom would be none other than the always entertaining Voodo Val.

Its hard to imagine what VooDoo Val’s history was like before Star Wars, but apparently, she has one; A mystery made of cows and comics, staring off into the night sky while dreaming of a world beyond her own, located in a time before now, and galaxy not our own. But one thing can be certain, her power doesn’t come from Zeus or other gods like the previous Stubbie Portraits artists featured here, no. It comes strictly from squares, and the men that are shaped like them."

stream and link to her page is here [appreciations for Kylo Ren Box Shape jokes]

totally real bio:

"Shticky, or Jason for all of the Cool Kids out there, is known not only for the greatest Overwatch meme to ever happen, but for the immense amount of bicep he carries on the regular basis. Shticky is constantly frisked and pulled over to be searched by all authorities, [and non authorities alike...moslty the ladies] in bars, airports, banks, churches, gas stations and libraries. It is ALL about the Ketchup Chips and Deep V's"

stream and links to his page here
how accurate is this one?!

"When the Gods created Twosenseless, their goal was to put too much talent in her, on purpose. In order for them to accomplish this, they created the tiniest little vessel to house the gargantuan amounts of skills so that it would be concentrated. But so much talent had to be transportable without being too intimidating, so they made her in the image of a "cutie pie." However, all that concentrated talent gets restless in such a tiny body, that it sometimes relieves its frustration with art manifestations of gross and ugly monsters that Twosenseless insists are ..."cute."

Follow Twosenseless and watch me take the longest time to get the best likeness ever here
this bio is not for the faint of heart, as it involves a deeply seeded and misplaced hatred for Mac'n'cheese.  You've been warned:

"Born in the cornfield of Wisconsin, Hayden had no choice but to grow an affinity to bugs and critters. A calmer, and more soothing Bob Ross-like streamer, his zoological love is only trumped by the cardinal sin of hating Mac'n'Cheese. "It's basically Pasta cereal!" He objects, but his passionate objections, erroneous though they may be, fall on deaf ears. As they should. Mac'n'Cheese is amazing."

Enjoy the stream and follow Hayden, if only to let him know how wrong he is about mac and cheese here
there will be more to come in the future.
Featured Streamers, in Stubbie Style!

Featured Streamers, in Stubbie Style!


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