When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened, and the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained.” 2- Fasting is a shield from Hell: Ramadan Fasting is a great worship and following Hadith clearly shows that it is a shield against fire of hell and also a shield against committing sins.
Donate your Zakat this year with the Sardar Foundation to Help the Needy this Ramadan.
We value your support to help us reach out to those less fortunate around the Kashmir.
This Ramadan your Zakat donations will make a big difference and we cannot do it with you.
Narrated by Jarir Bin Abdullah
I gave the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) for offering prayer perfectly, giving Zakat and giving good advice to every Muslim.
(Sahih Bukhari, Chapter 24, 484)
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Acc no 29095825
Sort code 23-05-80
Reference: AJK 
Jazak Allah 
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