Qiuyi Wu (Chewy)

Creative Technologist

Brooklyn, NY, USA
Hi I'm Chewy, I make fun, artistic and interactive magics.

Work Experience

Elastic Shore

Head Creative Technologist, Talent manager

Leading developer and designer for immersive performance for dancers.
January 2015 - New York, New York, United States


Creative Developer

Help web, app development, launching innovation concepts, interactive installations and prototypes for brands such as Nike, Chanel. Pernod.
May 2015 - New York, New York, United States

Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Creative Technologist

- Collaborate with faculties at Metropolitan Museum of Art to create innovative museum experiences.
- Exhibited project "the Flow Project" the first large-scale interactive installation at Met Expo.
September 2014 - Present New York, United States

Visual Music

Creative Coding Instructor

Organize Workshop OfCourse.io, teach students, designers and professions creative coding for Visual Music using Openframeworks.
June 2014 - Present Brooklyn, New York, United States

Freelance & Exhibitions

Exhibitor and Performer

Creator of immersive and interactive installation, games, audio visuals and new media dance performances. Projects exhibited or performed at:
Jazz in Unexpected Places Guerilla Jazz event
Casita Maria Center
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Parsons DT Thesis exhibition
NYC MakerFair
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
The New School Showcase
Miami New World Symphony
Center of Performance Rsch
Imagine RIT festival
April 2013 - Present New York, New York, United States

StoreWorld At RIT

Online Game Assets Designer

Artist and Flash animator for retail social game 'Storeworld' on Facebook.
Featured on Magazine, exhibited in Imagine RIT and won University Magazine Award.
November 2010 - September 2011 Rochester, New York, United States

Freelance Design

Interactive Designer

Provider of freelance 2D/3D design and video services for independent artists and commercial productions.
- 3D virtual sets for live shows at Jus Broadcasting (‘14)
- Prints and promos for musicians & dance events (‘13)
- Title sequence and editing for web series (‘13)
- 3D design video for Chinese Nat’l CG Assoc. (‘12)
June 2013 - Present New York, New York, United States


Rochester Institute Of Technology

Bachelor of Fine Arts

In RIT I built a solid background of New Media Design including UX/UI Design, Interactive applications, 2D and 3D motion graphics and collaborative team projects.
August 2008 - May 2012 Rochester, New York, United States

Parsons The New School For Design

Master of Fine Arts

At Parsons I focused on interactive programming and audio visualization and developed my personal domain: Integrating interactive visuals with live performances, especially music and dance.
July 2012 - May 2014 New York, New York, United States


Chinese (Native),
English (Fluent),


A' Design Award

Iron A’ Design Award


Adobe - Design Achievement & MAX Awards

Installation Design, Semifinalist



Featured works



Featured work


University Magazine Award

Featured Award



Dean’s List for 2 years



Abelton Live, Actionscript, Adobe Creative Suite, Cinema4d, Final Cut, HTML&CSS, JavaScript, MaxMSP, Modul8, MotionGraphics, OpenFrameworks, Processing, Projection Mapping,

Performances and Exhibitions

Audio Visual Project for Jazz band Blitzs Performed at Guerilla Jazz event 2015
Large-Scale Interactive Installation 'The Flow Project' exhibited at Met Expo 2014
Interactive Projection Dance Floor '5PONG-The Battle Machine' exhibited at Thesis exhibition 2014
Audio Visual Project 'Visuano' performed at DT Parsons Festival 2013
Audio Visual Project 'Viodream' performed at New World Symphony, Miami 2013
Interactive Art Project 'Light of Dreams' performed at DT showcase.
Projection Dance 'Four Elements' exhibited at DT showcase.
New Media Dance 'Sewing Dream Machine' performed at Center Center of Performance Research, 2013
Interactive VJ 'VJFUSE' shown at MakerFair 2013
Interactive Music Video 'Cities' exhibited in Imagine RIT festival 2012
Embodiment game 'Alea' exhibited in Imagine RIT festival 2012
Online game Storeworld 'exhibited' in Imagine RIT festival 2012