Adobe Max: Retouching Max Yeti Scene, Part 2

Live dal October 20, 2020


We're wrapping up the final touches on our Adobe Max Yeti scene.

Interested in the materials I used, or how I came up with the concept? Check out my past livestreams to watch them.

I stream Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 - 11 am est. Follow me to get notifications on Behance!

Social: @alicjacolon

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Campi creativi

Adobe Max: Retouching Max Yeti Scene, Part 2

Live dal October 20, 2020


We're wrapping up the final touches on our Adobe Max Yeti scene.

Interested in the materials I used, or how I came up with the concept? Check out my past livestreams to watch them.

I stream Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 - 11 am est. Follow me to get notifications on Behance!

Social: @alicjacolon

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Campi creativi

  1. Hey hey, it's Ernest T Noway minutes not it's Alicia, it's Alecia that's me so hi guys I'm only show paper, illustrator and photographer here and today. What we're going to be doing is we're going to be wrapping up an image that we have been working on for about a week. If you guys were with me earlier you have been through the Concepting. You've been through the illustrating. You've been through the per the retouching, but we're going to finish that up today. I'm so excited about it so we are here for the next. 

  2. Hour and we're going to be finishing this alright so done done ona. This is where we are. So this is the image that we drew together. Really super fun image if you guys have been with me you guys know the story. That pretty much I asked. I asked for words and I drew three from the chat and we came up with adorable, zealous and hugs and so anyway, then I went ahead and I started producing these things right. 


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Savannah, GA, USA