Emulating oil painting in Photoshop for Inktober: Crystal 05

Live on October 15, 2021


Join me as I explore how to emulate the look of oil painting in Adobe Photoshop.

Each week we'll experiment with how to paint tradigitally to create the appearance of oils using the awesome brushes built by Kyle Webster. I'm LIVE Wednesdays and Thursdays 6-ish to 9-ish PM CT (GMT-5 or -6).

Portal to all things Dwehaus: https://linktr.ee/dwehaus

Show your support, buy me a cup of coffee—thanks in advance! (link in Link Tree)

Recorded livestreams are archived and organized into categories on YouTube (link in LinkTree)

Pronunciation = /dwe-hous'/

Haus is the German word for house.

Haus, used in compound with a subject means; "house of".

Thus, DWEHAUS is the home of all things related to DWE (David W. Ernst).

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Creative Fields

Emulating oil painting in Photoshop for Inktober: Crystal 05

Live on October 15, 2021


Join me as I explore how to emulate the look of oil painting in Adobe Photoshop.

Each week we'll experiment with how to paint tradigitally to create the appearance of oils using the awesome brushes built by Kyle Webster. I'm LIVE Wednesdays and Thursdays 6-ish to 9-ish PM CT (GMT-5 or -6).

Portal to all things Dwehaus: https://linktr.ee/dwehaus

Show your support, buy me a cup of coffee—thanks in advance! (link in Link Tree)

Recorded livestreams are archived and organized into categories on YouTube (link in LinkTree)

Pronunciation = /dwe-hous'/

Haus is the German word for house.

Haus, used in compound with a subject means; "house of".

Thus, DWEHAUS is the home of all things related to DWE (David W. Ernst).

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Creative Fields

  1. Hello, well we're going to get started here. My name is Driehaus and we are going to work on inktober prompt #1 crystal. We're trying to figure out how to emulate the look of oils and paint and Photoshop. There's over 2000 brushes that come for free with Photoshop that Kyle Webster is made for us. If you can download but the hard work is trying to figure out how they actually work, how they actually function. And so I try to spend at least 30 minutes and evening painting. 

  2. And we try a different brush every night together and we see how they work and how they function. So this might be the most boring podcast or live streams ever watched. But if you want to learn how the brushes work and you don't want just to quickly gloss over them categorically or watch a speed painting, then you can come in and we'll use a different brush each night and see if we can get the effects to look like oils and make him work how we want. So thanks for joining me. Let's go ahead and take a look at working on. So far we've gotten a few 30 minute sessions. 

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