Generative Projects in After Effects - Week 3 Every Frame Unique.

Live on October 16, 2021


We're in week 3 of exploring generative methods inside after effects. We've made 100,000 leaves. We've made 10,000 ghosts. What will we make too many of today! And, how can we make sure we have every permutation of the assets we're using? We've relied on randomness too much! It's time to get control of the situation!

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Generative Projects in After Effects - Week 3 Every Frame Unique.

Live on October 16, 2021


We're in week 3 of exploring generative methods inside after effects. We've made 100,000 leaves. We've made 10,000 ghosts. What will we make too many of today! And, how can we make sure we have every permutation of the assets we're using? We've relied on randomness too much! It's time to get control of the situation!

If you enjoy these streams please follow to get notified when new shows are happening! And, consider subscribing to get access to the files we make on these weekend streams.

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  1. Morning good morning everyone. Hope you're having a good time. Thanks for joining me here. Saturday morning 10:00 o'clock. I'm Evan Abrams. Welcome to a a chill stream where we examine motion design, motion design concepts going on today. Hope you're having a good time. Thanks for joining me. We're going to be exploring things in after effects. We might open up illustrator a bit, so if you're interested in those things, follow along. 

  2. This week and for all this month, I've been exploring very generative art projects on here, leveraging after effects, various procedural and expression driven ideas that have helped us, for example, generate a project that was like 100,000 leaves in in in all of two hours. Then the next day we made roughly 10,000 ghosts in two hours, so we really nailed that. That was animated. 

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada