귀하를 위해 설계된 맞춤형 Redesign 자산

Web Application Design or Redesign
Web Application Design or Redesign
Web Application Design or Redesign

시작 가격: US$10,000

Looking to design from scratch or revamp your web or mobile application? As a seasoned professional and certified expert I will be glad to redesign your app, so it follows the best UI/UX practices and makes user interactions seamless. And user experience is intuitive.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 3 revisions

Tetiana Shevtsova 님의 프로필

Tetiana Shevtsova

Timesheet Alt 2

Limassol, Cyprus

Boost User Interaction: Website Redesign Package
Boost User Interaction: Website Redesign Package
Boost User Interaction: Website Redesign Package

시작 가격: US$10,000

Transform passive visitors into active customers through my specialized website redesign package. I'll revamp your digital presence from initial assessment to final touches to boost and maximize user interaction and drive business growth. No jargon, just results. What You'll Get From Me: + Discovery & User Analysis: A deep dive into your current website's performance and user behavior to identify areas for improvement. +Wireframes & Prototypes: Detailed wireframes and clickable prototypes to visualize the redesign. + UI/UX Design: A fresh and user-focused design interface tailored to enhance user engagement. + Responsive Design: Ensuring optimal viewing across various devices, from desktop to mobile. + Development Handoff: A smooth transition to your development team for implementation, complete with detailed documentation. + Pre-Launch Audit: Comprehensive review of the redesigned website to ensure all elements are functioning as they should. + Post-Launch Feedback: One round of analysis and recommendations after the website is live to gauge and improve user engagement. Optional Add-ons: + Animation & 3D: Elevate user engagement with scroll animations, parallax effects, micro-interactions, and 3D elements for a truly immersive experience. + SEO-Ready Structure: Prepped and optimized layout and elements to improve your website's search engine ranking. + Brand & Strategy Consultation: Align your redesign with your brand's long-term strategy. + Content Creation: Copywriting and visual content that tells your brand story effectively. + Development: Full frontend development, including Webflow implementation. (Optional and can be discussed further). Transform your website into a user engagement magnet. Contact me today.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Stan Hristov 님의 프로필

Stan Hristov

Barcelona, Spain

Packaging Design
Packaging Design
Packaging Design

시작 가격: US$600

I help create original packaging / label designs that communicate brand values and engage with consumers. • Packaging Design • Label Design • Redesign • Dieline • Mockup Support after the project is complete. Have any questions? Feel free to contact me.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 3 revisions



Timesheet Alt 1

Krakow, Poland

Mobile app Redesign
Mobile app Redesign
Mobile app Redesign

시작 가격: US$1,000

Step :1 Setting the task of supplying all files and discussing working points. Step: 2 Analysis of the brief and your responses. Step : 3 An evaluation of your current mobile app. Step: 4 We design a technical assignment. Step: 5 Analysis of rivals. Step: 6 User Analysis Step: 7 Business Analysis Step: 8 Make a prototype of each page Step: 9 Development of all pages' user interfaces Step: 10 Adapting designs for use with mobile devices Step: 11 Development of a UI Kit Step: 12 Presentation of the finished design's interactive version Step: 13 I provide you with the Figma file and the essential source materials. Any type of mobile app that I accept for redesigning. Mobile app redesign for corporations, E-commerce, online stores, businesses, portfolios, and business cards, among others. If you're unsure of the kind of mobile app redesign you require, you decide on it together. This is a detailed description of my mobile app redesign process. Please contact me by email at ferdous.azam31@gmail.com, sharinkhanam01@gmail.com, or email me on Behance to learn more about my method and to receive more information. Thank you.

Less than a week

3 concepts, 5 revisions

Sharin Khanam 님의 프로필

Sharin Khanam

Timesheet Alt 1


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최고의 크리에이터들이 제작한 자산 이용

4천만 명 이상의 크리에이터가 이용하는 커뮤니티인 Behance는 글꼴, 템플릿, 벡터 및 일러스트레이션, 사진 등을 포함하는 디자인 자산을 구매하고 판매할 수 있는 최고의 장소입니다.

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