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Adobe XD WebPage UI/UX
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Пользовательские ресурсы Prototype, созданные для вас

UI / UX Design Prototype & Wireframe
UI / UX Design Prototype & Wireframe
UI / UX Design Prototype & Wireframe

От US$450

$450 Basic - 1 Page (home - landing page) Responsive! I will design 1 page/screen wireframe of your website, web app or mobile app 1 Revision 1 page/screen US$600 Standard - 3 pages (Responsive Design) UI I will design 3 pages/screens wireframes of your website, web app or mobile app 1 Revision 3 pages/screens US$750 5 pages (Responsive Design) UI I will design 10 pages/screens wireframes of your website, web app or mobile app 1 Revision 10 pages/screens About this gig! Write us personal message and we can discuss your ideas to find the best solution for you. We are looking forward to working with you. livestudio

Within 1-2 weeks

1 concept, 3 revisions

Профиль Live Studio

Live Studio

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mobile App Design and Figma prototype

От US$1,800

Preparation of the UI design and UX functionality of the mobile application and prototype in Figma

Within 2 months

1 concept, 10 revisions

Профиль Krzysztof Malinowski

Krzysztof Malinowski

Warszawa, Poland

Wireframe & Prototype Mobile Application

От US$3,600

My firm belief is that exceptional design can have a significant impact. As a designer, I prioritize collaborating closely with my clients and investing time understanding their requirements and goals. If you're seeking a mobile app UI/UX design that is user-friendly, accessible, minimalist, and contemporary, I'm here to help. My design approach involves the following steps: 1. Empathy mapping 2. Problem identification and definition 3. Solution development 4. Ideation through sketching 5. Mood board creation 6. High-fidelity wireframe development 7. Final visual design 8. Prototyping

Within 2 months

1 concept, 2 revisions

Профиль Landon Johnson

Landon Johnson


Website Design (Desktop + Mobile, Figma prototype)
Website Design (Desktop + Mobile, Figma prototype)

От US$5,000

Looking for exceptional website design services? You've come to the right place! I'm a freelance designer specializing in creating captivating and user-centric websites that make a lasting impression. With my extensive experience, including partnerships with renowned brands like Adobe, I have what it takes to elevate your online presence. Services I Provide: 🟢 UI Design: Crafting visually stunning interfaces that seamlessly blend aesthetics with intuitive navigation for an engaging user experience. 🟢 UX Design: Utilizing deep insights into user behavior to optimize the user journey, interactions, and overall usability of your website. 🟢 Wireframing and Prototyping: Presenting detailed wireframes and interactive prototypes to provide a tangible preview of your website's layout and functionality. 🟢 Visual Design: Creating captivating visuals, including thoughtfully selected color schemes, typography, and imagery, that align with your brand and captivate your audience. Responsive Design: Ensuring your website adapts flawlessly to various devices and screen sizes, delivering a consistent experience to all users. Why Choose Me: 🟢 Experience with Big Brands: I've forged partnerships with prestigious brands like Adobe, showcasing my ability to meet the highest design standards. 🟢 UI/UX Fusion: By seamlessly integrating UI design principles with UX strategies, I create websites that are visually stunning while offering an intuitive user journey. 🟢 User-Centered Approach: I prioritize understanding your target audience and their needs to design a website that resonates with them on a deeper level. 🟢 Collaborative and Communicative: I value your input and maintain open lines of communication throughout the design process, ensuring your vision becomes a reality. Drop me a message and let's chat! 😊

Within 2 months

1 concept, 3 revisions

Профиль Maiane Gabriele

Maiane Gabriele

Curitiba, Brazil

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