Aiheen Movie mukautettuja resursseja, suunniteltu sinulle

Movie / Show poster
Movie / Show poster
Movie / Show poster

Alkaen US$600

I will create a poster for your show or short-film, movie, episode, comedy show, etc. It can include any characters (yourself?) or any elements, backgrounds, etc. I can design the logo and text for the show with the venue, ticket information and dates. Delivery time from 2 weeks to 1 month, depending on revisions, details, etc.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 3 revisions

Henkilön Alex Gallego profiili

Alex Gallego

Barcelona, Spain

Poster Design
Poster Design

Alkaen US$500

Vintage poster, movie poster, interior decor or any other kind of poster created from sketch to full implementation.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Henkilön Teti Kartasheva profiili

Teti Kartasheva

Timesheet Alt 3

Zurich, Switzerland

Movie posters | Netflix thumbnails
Movie posters | Netflix thumbnails
Movie posters | Netflix thumbnails

Alkaen US$1,000

Immerse yourself in the spellbinding world of cinema with film posters that capture the imagination and evoke the essence of your work. As a freelance art director, I offer you unrivalled expertise in bringing your creations to life on paper. Every poster I create is more than just a visual. It's an open door to a world of emotions, an invitation to dive into the story you've so carefully crafted. With a keen understanding of visual storytelling and an unwavering passion for cinema, I'm committed to designing posters that captivate, intrigue and leave a memorable impression. Whether you're looking for a timeless classic style, a bold modern aesthetic, or something entirely different, I'm here to bring your vision to life. Every detail, every colour, every visual element is carefully selected to reflect the essence of your film and capture the audience's attention. With extensive experience in the film industry and a portfolio rich in creativity, I'm ready to work with you to create posters that exceed your expectations and showcase the genius of your work. Whether you run a world-renowned studio or are a passionate independent filmmaker, I'm here to give your film the sparkle it deserves. When you choose my services, you're opting for more than just posters; you're investing in a visual experience that will enhance the impact of your film and attract an ever-growing audience. Let your creations shine on the big screen with posters that tell a story in their own right. Contact me today to discuss your next project and let me turn your ideas into unforgettable movie posters that will live long in the memory.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Henkilön Michael Sallit profiili

Michael Sallit

Paris, France

illustration for a book, movie, or poster
illustration for a book, movie, or poster
illustration for a book, movie, or poster

Alkaen US$40

I can design illustration for movie, book cover design and more! I create striking visuals by combining illustrations and typography.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Henkilön Kristina Malinovich profiili

Kristina Malinovich

Timesheet Alt 1


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Access johtavien luovien alojen osaajien tekemiä resursseja

Yhteisössämme on yli 40 miljoonaa luovien alojen osaajaa, joten Behance on paras paikka ostaa ja myydä suunnitteluresursseja, kuten kirjasimia, malleja, vektoreita ja kuvituskuvia, valokuvia ja paljon muuta.

Toteuta visiosi resurssien avulla

Digitaaliset resurssit ovat arvokkaita aineistoja luovan projektin käynnistämiseen, luovan vision toteuttamiseen ja alan parhaiden käytäntöjen oppimiseen.

Etsi tarpeitasi vastaavat resurssit

Selaa resurssigalleriamme kuratoituja resursseja, suodata niitä luokan ja hinnan mukaan ja etsi projektiisi sopiva luova resurssi.