
Vlastní datové zdroje Magazine, navržené pro vás

Illustrated maps
Illustrated maps
Illustrated maps

Od US$1,200

I have done a lot of illustrated maps, for brands like KLM and Food & Travel Magazine. I have done, food maps, travel maps, and Christmas maps, and of course open to making more.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Profil Jasmijn Solange Evans

Jasmijn Solange Evans

Timesheet Alt 1

Zwolle, Netherlands

Magazine Layout, Cover Design
Magazine Layout, Cover Design
Magazine Layout, Cover Design

Od US$200

Ensures the rational arrangement of content, creating a more enjoyable reading experience. I emphasize the creative integration of images and text to craft an engaging, easy-to-read, and interesting layout.

Within 1 month

1 concept, 3 revisions

Profil Minhla Lac

Minhla Lac

Timesheet Alt 2


Reaguje rychle
Illustration for an article or magazine.
Illustration for an article or magazine.
Illustration for an article or magazine.

Od US$150

I'm Jonathan Cañamar and I've been passionate about literature since I was a child because it's a source of inspiration when it comes to design. I would like to illustrate some article or cover in which I can reflect in a colourful and fun way what the words lead to.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 revisions

Profil Jonathan Cañamar

Jonathan Cañamar


Reaguje rychle
Magazine Designer
Magazine Designer
Magazine Designer

Od US$500

I'm here to elevate your publication. With a keen eye for design and a commitment to excellence, I specialiSe in crafting visually appealing layouts, selecting the perfect typography, and curating compelling imagery. Whether it's for print or digital, my focus is on consistency, brand integrity, and meeting your deadlines. Let's collaborate to ensure your magazine makes a lasting impression in the world of media. • Custom Magazine Design: A unique and customized magazine design tailored to your brand and content. • Specific Page Count: A defined number of pages to suit your content requirements, whether it's a concise brochure or a comprehensive magazine. • Multiple Design Styles: Option to choose from various design styles, ranging from modern and minimalist to classic and elegant, ensuring your magazine matches your brand's personality. • High-Quality Imagery: Carefully curated and edited high-resolution images that complement your content and design. • Typography Selection: Thoughtfully selected fonts and typography styles to enhance readability and aesthetics. • Print-Ready Files: Delivery of print-ready files in the preferred format, ensuring a hassle-free printing process. • Digital Formats: In addition to print, provision of digital formats for online publishing, ensuring your magazine looks great on screens too. • Unlimited Revisions: Collaboration and feedback process with the option for revisions until you're satisfied with the final design. • Brand Consistency: Ensuring your magazine design aligns with your brand guidelines, maintaining brand consistency. • Timely Delivery: Meeting deadlines and ensuring your magazine is ready for distribution or publication as per your schedule. • Responsive Design (for digital): Ensuring that the digital version of your magazine is responsive and user-friendly on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. • Communication and Collaboration: Open and responsive communication throughout the design process, ensuring your vision is brought to life. • Expert Guidance: Professional advice and recommendations based on industry trends and best practices in magazine design.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 10 revisions

Profil Moghees Siddique

Moghees Siddique

Manchester, United Kingdom

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Protože je v naší komunitě více než 40 milionů tvůrců, je Behance tím nejlepším místem k nákupu a prodeji návrhových datových zdrojů, včetně písem, šablon, vektorů a ilustrací, fotografií a dalších.

Implementujte svou vizi s použitím datových zdrojů

Datové zdroje jsou cenné prostředky k nastartování kreativního projektu, k realizaci tvůrčí vize a k naučení se osvědčených postupů v oboru.

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Procházejte vybrané datové zdroje v naší galerii a filtrujte je podle kategorie a ceny. Najdete tak ty nejlepší kreativní prostředky pro svůj projekt.