Brand identity guidelines template
Pancake Brand Visual Identity
Brand Identity Mockup Set
Free Visual Identity Guidelines
COMINIUM EST | Brand Identity territoriale
COMINIUM EST | Brand Identity territoriale
Неск. владельцев
Brand Identity Mockup
Неск. владельцев

Пользовательские ресурсы Identity, созданные для вас

Visual Identity & Guidelines
Visual Identity & Guidelines
Visual Identity & Guidelines

От US$6,000

Whether your company is after either a rebrand or you wish to start your new brand from scratch, this service will cover all the vital areas of design which will help strengthen and reposition your overall brand awareness. What's included: • Introductory call • Brand strategy • Logo design • Brand Guidelines & Toolkit • Stationery (inc: business card, letterhead & envelope) • Instagram templates • Social media banners

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Профиль Alan Cheetham

Alan Cheetham

Timesheet Alt 2

United Kingdom

Быстро отвечает
Brand Identity Design
Brand Identity Design
Brand Identity Design

От US$7,000

Each concept or route will be treated slightly differently depending on the key deliverables of the brand or the type of industry. Every brand identity project I take on is treated with the same care and attention but may touch upon the following points: Logo usage Colour palette Typography Graphic elements, patterns and devices Photography Style An initial meeting/consultation is needed to determine the key deliverables but you can expect the list above to be true more than most brand identity projects.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Профиль Alex Aperios

Alex Aperios

London, United Kingdom

Branding & Visual Identity
Branding & Visual Identity
Branding & Visual Identity

От US$3,000

Every strategy or pathway I adopt is tailored according to the unique requirements of the brand or the specific sector it belongs to. While the dedication and commitment remain consistent for every brand identity task I handle, the focal points might encompass: Application of the logo Selection of color schemes Choice of typography Design elements, motifs, and tools Imagery and visual tone An initial discussion or meeting is needed to identify the principal outcomes. However, most brand identity projects will often resonate with the elements mentioned above.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Профиль Jawad Zelmadi

Jawad Zelmadi

Barcelona, Spain

Logo Identity & Guidelines
Logo Identity & Guidelines
Logo Identity & Guidelines

От US$4,000

Whether you're after a logo refresh or a completely new logo design from scratch, this service will help offer everything your company should need to revamp their brand identity. What's included: • Introductory call • Brand strategy • Logo identity • Logo usage guidelines • Colour palette • Typefaces

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Профиль Alan Cheetham

Alan Cheetham

Timesheet Alt 2

United Kingdom

Быстро отвечает
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