自定义 College 资源,专为您设计

Landscape Designs
Landscape Designs
Landscape Designs

起价为 US$1,000

Landscape Architects design attractive and functional public Parks, Gardens, Playgrounds, Residential Areas, College Campuses, and Public Spaces. They also plan the locations of Buildings, Roads, Walkways, Flowers, Shrubs, and Trees within these environments.

Within 1-2 weeks

1 concept, 1 revision

Mohanad Allam 的个人资料

Mohanad Allam

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

LIghtroom Coaching
LIghtroom Coaching
LIghtroom Coaching

起价为 US$85

I have decades of experience as a college professor and making photographs and processing them in Adobe Lightroom. Take advantage of my skillset to get better with lightroom and photography through informal coaching sessions or more structured learning

Within 1-2 weeks

Jim Babbage 的个人资料

Jim Babbage

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Concept Design and Visual Development
Concept Design and Visual Development
Concept Design and Visual Development

起价为 US$2,500

I have 30 years of experience as an entertainment designer with special emphasis on narrative project development (ie: games, tv, films, and animation). My background is in product design and I have worked as an instructor at ArtCenter College of Design and managed and edited six books with publisher Design Studio Press.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Lorin Wood 的个人资料

Lorin Wood


Church Ministry Graphic Package

起价为 US$500

Whether it is your kids ministry, worship ministry, college ministry, or any other, I can create a graphic package for you that fits your church's needs

Within 2 months

2 concepts, 3 revisions

Laura McDaniel 的个人资料

Laura McDaniel




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Behance 是我们拥有超过 4000 万名创意人员的社区,它是购买和销售设计资源(包括字体、模板、矢量图和插图、照片等)的最佳场所。




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