Vlastní datové zdroje Brand Design, navržené pro vás

Brand Design
Brand Design
Brand Design

Od US$3,000

Our brand design service encompasses the strategic development and creative execution of comprehensive brand identities. By integrating market research, visual storytelling, and design expertise, we craft cohesive and memorable brand experiences that resonate with target audiences. From logo design and color palette selection to typography and brand guidelines, we ensure consistency and effectiveness across all brand touchpoints. Our goal is to elevate brand perception, foster recognition, and drive meaningful connections between businesses and their audiences.

Within 2 months

3 concepts, 8 revisions

Profil Stefan FDTN

Stefan FDTN

Timișoara, Romania

Brand Design
Brand Design
Brand Design

Od US$3,500

Crafting visual identities that represent your company's unique vision and strategy. My approach to brand design is to combine a simplistic design aesthetic with original and innovative ideas that make your visual identity memorable and effective. I understand the importance of a strong visual identity in today's crowded market, and I am dedicated to helping you stand out from your competitors. With my passion for brand design and my expertise in the field, I am committed to delivering bespoke brand design solutions that truly capture the essence of your business and connect with your target audience and strategy. I am excited to work with you and help your brand achieve its full potential.

Within 2 months

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Profil Lukas Majzlan

Lukas Majzlan

United States

Reaguje rychle
Brand Design (extended package)
Brand Design (extended package)
Brand Design (extended package)

Od US$3,200

Let's define your brand basics together along your mission, vision purpose. I use brand sprint tools to build a complex visual communication strategy for the appropriate platforms. This package includes the requirements of logo design and can extend up to the creation of a complex style guide including social templates, illustrations, web appearance, print materials, photo guides, special icon set ...etc --- To ensure we can work together successfully, please start by introducing yourself. Briefly describe who you are, the company you represent, and how you can be reached, etc. Remember, you can find a lot of information about me here on this page, but I currently know nothing about you. To provide an accurate quote, please describe the project in detail and include a task list of what you would like to order. Following this, I will prepare a detailed quote for you, including the project cost and deadline. On the Behance platform, I work exclusively with an advance payment system. You can pay the full commission fee using the Stripe service linked to the Behance platform. This is the only payment method available for projects ordered here. We can only start the project once the payment has been received. I look forward to learning more about you and working together on a great project! Best regards, Péter

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 3 revisions

Profil Péter Molnár

Péter Molnár

Timesheet Alt 1

Budapest, Hungary

Brand Design
Brand Design
Brand Design

Od US$5,000

I work closely with my clients to define and design robust and world-class brand identity systems that go beyond just a logo and a colour palette. I call it 'Experience Branding' with an emphasis on more complex interactive ecosystems and touchpoints. I look across your entire brand and work with you to craft an identity system that feels seamless and integrated across anywhere your brand shows up. In a world that demands new and better, no one can afford to stand still. Your brand can be a catalyst for change, helping you supercharge your transformation efforts and drive business performance. Brand design typically takes the form of: - Brand strategy and alignment on overall purpose, mission, vision, values and reason for existing. - A thorough analysis of your business, competitors and the market to understand how you can stand out and ensure you are unique, ownable and memorable. - We'll craft an upfront strategy and 'manifesto' that will guide our creative design work, providing a 'north star' which gives us meaning, direction and purpose for the brand - This will guide our initial concept directions for the brand and I'll explore and create design concepts around these directions with the goal to experiment, challenge, refine and finally approve a direction - This work then gets integrated and applied into a full brand and identity system, that can include all elements of a brand system, but can be stretched to digital, product, motion, spaces, environments, and more Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions and if you would like to chat about your project!

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Profil Thomas Moeller

Thomas Moeller

London, United Kingdom

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