Dave OConnell

Freelancer storyboard Concept artist

Brighton, MI, USA
Enjoy telling stories through art

Work Experience

35 years Skidmore Studio Detroit_Storyboard artist and Illustrator
Freelance storyboard artist and painter

Skidmore Studio

illustrator, Storyboard artist, Concept artist

Drawing sketching storyboards, Drawing for artist, managing group artist, Quality control of final art delivered to client
January 1980 - April 2016 Detroit, Michigan, United States


Center For Creative Studies


Painting, drawing, life drawing, Typography, Design, Illustration, oil painting, mix medium, graphic design, wood design, Fashion drawing
January 1976 - January 1980 Detroit, Michigan, United States


Acrylic Painter, Adobe Photoshop, Coral Painter, Illustrator, Storyboard Artist,