Sivanta ‎ 님의 프로필 배너
Sivanta ‎ 님의 프로필

Sivanta ‎

Visual Identity Designer


Sivanta 채용

Behance에 4개 유료 프로젝트
Creative  Visual Identity Design
Creative  Visual Identity Design
Creative  Visual Identity Design

시작 가격: US$725

Welcome to the visual identity design package – a comprehensive suite - crafted to elevate your brand presence and tell your unique story. Here's a description of the deliverables included in your visual identity design package Logo Typography Pattern Iconography Brand Collaterals Brand Presentation Each deliverable in this package is thoughtfully crafted to ensure coherence, consistency, and creativity in every aspect of your brand identity. Together, they form a cohesive visual language that resonates with your audience and leaves a lasting impression in their mind.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 3 revisions

Poster/ Instagram Post Design
Poster/ Instagram Post Design
Poster/ Instagram Post Design

시작 가격: US$299

Transform Your Message into Visually Stunning Posters!

Less than a week

2 concepts, 2 revisions