Shannon Kelly


Ewing, NJ, USA

Work Experience

TCNJ Office Of Instructional Design

Graphic Design Assistant

February 2015 - Present Ewing, New Jersey, United States

Plays In The Park

Scenic Painter

Summer seasonal position as a scenic painter for a large, outdoor, community theatre. Worked on three productions.
May 2014 - August 2014 Edison, New Jersey, United States

TCNJ Center For The Arts

Graphic Designer

April 2015 - Present Ewing, New Jersey, United States


The College Of New Jersey

Bachelor of Fine Arts

August 2013 - Present Ewing, New Jersey, United States


English (Native),
Spanish (Advanced),


Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Front-end Coding, HTML, Introductory CSS And, Typography, Visual Communication,