Профиль Ruzina Jahan

Ruzina Jahan

Нанять Ruzina

Roll up banner

От US$10

This is a roll up banner design . Certainly! A medical roll-up banner is a large, portable, and vertical display commonly used in healthcare settings to convey important information to patients, visitors, or staff. These banners are often placed in hospital lobbies, waiting areas, or at medical events. Here's a detailed description of the components and features you might find in a medical roll-up banner Size and Dimensions: Standard sizes typically range from 2.5 to 3 feet in width and 6 to 7 feet in height. The compact design allows for easy transportation and setup. Content: Information relevant to the medical institution or event. Key details about services offered, medical specialties, or upcoming events. Emergency contact information or important announcements. Text: Clear and legible fonts for easy reading from a distance. Use bullet points and concise sentences to convey information efficiently. Important text, such as headings or key points, may be in bold for emphasis. Branding: Incorporation of the medical institution's logo and branding elements. Consistent use of colors and fonts to maintain brand identity. Contact Information: Display of relevant contact information, such as phone numbers or website URLs. QR codes for easy access to online resources. When creating or ordering a medical roll-up banner, it's crucial to consider the target audience, the intended message, and the specific requirements of the healthcare institution or event it represents. The goal is to provide informative and visually appealing content in a portable and user-friendly format.

Less than a week

5 concepts, 10 revisions