Robert Reyes

4Tez Creative

El Paso, TX, USA
I'm a skilled freelance designer with over 15 years of wide ranging experience. Though I possess a strong foundation of working independently, I'm enthusiastically seeking team collaboration for the next phase of my career. With a passion for front-end web development and a strong graphic designer foundation, I would be an asset to any team.

Work Experience

Forma Group LLC

Creative Director / Graphic Designer / Web Designer

Define the creative vision, strategies and drive through creative execution across all channels (digital, print, email, social, television, etc) for all work and clients.

Created 50+ custom CMS Wordpress websites for political candidates with online donation and integrated volunteer sign up forms.

Developed print and online annual reports for the lead behavioral and developmental services provider in the El Paso region for 10+ years.

Over 200+ direct mail campaigns in English and Spanish crafting specific messaging and images for political candidates and community based organizations.

Worked directly with the area's leading Mental Health Authority to develop and market projects and events for the community.
2005 - 2022 Texas, United States


English (Native),
Spanish (Fluent),


Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, CMS, CSS, Direct Mail Marketing, HTML, Visual Studio Code,