Rahat Mohammed

Designer, 3D Artist, Video editor

Hamburg, Germany
I am passionate about design in all its forms, and Behance is where I showcase the tapestry of my imagination. With a blend of innovative thinking and meticulous attention to detail, I strive to create designs that not only captivate but also inspire. My journey as a designer is an ever-evolving exploration, fueled by a deep understanding of design principles and a relentless drive to push boundaries. Whether it's crafting visually stunning graphics, architecting intuitive user experiences, or weaving compelling narratives through my work, I am dedicated to delivering solutions that resonate with authenticity and purpose. Join me as we embark on a visual voyage, where every pixel tells a story and every design is a testament to the limitless possibilities of creativity.

Work Experience


3D artist, Illustrator

I am working here as a freelance Artist.
February 2020 -

Antor Co

3D artist and video editor

I have worked as a 3D Artist and video editor for this company.
February 2020 - December 2020 Dhaka, Bangladesh



Bachelor of Arts in Animation

With a deep knowledge of filmmaking and animation to design I am being taught by exceptional teachers.
October 2021 - Germany


3D Design, 3d Product Visualization, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Blender, Figma, Graphics Design, Motion Graphics , Premiere Pro, UI, VFX FOR PRODUCT, Video Editing,