Parker Wrenn

Visual Designer and Creative

Seattle, WA, USA
I am a creative specializing in storytelling and graphic/motion design. Story, be it a gripping narrative or just a really well-told joke, is the most effective means for conveying any message. I approach every project with this fact in mind and encourage my collaborators to do the same.

Work Experience



Clients include Cornish College of the Arts, Lewis & Clark College, Seven Sails Vineyard, and more. My body of work includes poster design, branding, animation, and more.
May 2012 - Present

Tura Lura Films

Associate Producer

As associate producer, I spearheaded the branding and marketing of Tura Lura Films' debut short film, All Things Hidden. I designed and implemented all of the film's primary promotional materials, including the trailer title design, logo, website, poster, and various crowdfunding rewards. Additionally, I provided production assistance on-set, helping our crew complete an ambitious shooting schedule.
September 2012 - 2013 Kirkland, Washington, United States

Cornish College Of The Arts

Graphic Design Intern - Theater Dept.

My first paid design gig. I designed posters for a pair of student productions directed by Original Works majors in the Fall, then was invited to design for some of the department's spring productions as well. The department continued to employ my services after I graduated in May 2012.
September 2011 - May 2012 Seattle, Washington, United States

Moon Bullet Studios


I worked as a volunteer grip on the web-series "The Collectibles", moving lights and other equipment to-and-fro while trying to keep my six-feet-four-inches out of the shot.
2012 - Washington, United States

Cornish College Of The Arts

Housing & Residence Life Desk Assistant

As one of the first Desk Assistants hired during the Housing department's flagship year, I helped to define the position by providing quality first-line assistance to residents while fulfilling regular duties essential to the smooth operation of the office and the residence halls at large. Additionally, it was my unique responsibility to design the department's campus-wide promotional posters for RA recruitment and summer housing.
September 2009 - May 2012 Washington, United States


Cornish College Of The Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts

I was in the Visual Communications focus, then transferred to Motion Design. As a result, I took the required courses of each program. Other studies included film theory/production, play-writing, poetry, and philosophy.

President's Scholar, 2009
Best Comics, Ellen Forney's "Intro to Comics", 2010
September 2008 - May 2012 Seattle, Washington, United States


Certificate of Completion

In the Summer of 2011, I was accepted into TheFilmSchool's flagship screenwriting program. I learned the storytelling craft under the tutelage of famed actor Tom Skerritt (Top Gun, Alien) and legendary screenwriter Stewart Stern (Rebel Without A Cause, Sybil).
July 2011 - Seattle, Washington, United States


Adobe Aftereffects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Screenwriting, Storytelling,


I joined Team Alcachofa as a Producer and all-around-cool-guy to shoot and edit the short "Phylum Porifera: A Coming of Age Story". My work included transportation, sound capture, data management, additional editing, securing exclusive rights to music, and countless small creative and story contributions.

WINNER: Audience Favorite (Screening Group E), Best Use of Prop, Best Costumes, Best Actress: Sophia Franzella