ineta joksaite


Belfast, United Kingdom
I think the best way to suggest yourself to the world is by being honest. Five years ago I was night shift working mum of a two year old and was sinking into the dark corners of my mind. With no help, no people to ask for advice. Somehow I have managed to create a set of goals and accomplish more than I ever thought I could. So why stop now, when the world has so much more to give, it’s thriving with opportunities and I have allot to give in return?
Most of my talents are connected with creativity. Acting, that made me feel good on the stage, be brave, poem writing, that got me few awards, been published in newspapers in Lithuania, I can now write poems in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages. I moved schools, got very interested in sketching and drawing, also painting, which brought me to showcase my own exhibition in 2005. Then I had a high interest in English language and now thanks to that my English is fluent. Nail art and make up was a next step, my friends were my models and I loved the Idea of making other people feel good and pretty. I have realized, that all the creative things I've done in my life, including cooking and house decor, led me to something more interesting and permanent and sculpted some skills towards fashion design.
I have started this just for pleasure. Back to making paper dolls, that was my childhood hobby, and their clothes for my nieces made me realize, that I have a great talent and the raw principle of it is fashion design.
My first attempt to learn sewing skills was unsuccessful, I did have hand-sewing and hand embroidery skills since I was a child. I haven't stopped reaching my goals and signed myself up for dressmaking classes. I have learned how to work with sewing machine and printed patterns. Then I got a suggestion to attend Exploring Business Enterprise classes and this was the best idea in my life, not only I started to understand what business is, how it all works and how much I enjoyed the idea of becoming an entrepreneur, but I have also gained my confidence back and I am very grateful to the wonderful teachers. This led me to the full time BTEC L3 fashion course and helped finalize the idea of what I want to do in my life. I have contacted local bridal designer Shauna Fay, got a work placement and I am still there every week, learning more and more skills and absorbing the essence of the business and all the ups and downs from the primary source. I enjoy this so much and the feeling that my boss trusts me and even asks for advice is irreplaceable. I am very proud of myself, because I look back and see the woman scared of sewing machine and now making her own dress for New Year’s Eve. I am a good learner, started using CAD for the first time and was explaining how it works to other students in few weeks, I absolutely enjoy all the media and techniques I encounter during the creative processes. I mostly enjoy fashion illustration, pattern making and sewing. I adore photography, have a never ending source of inspiration and imagination, now I am about to make my first short film using my own created costume for London's Royal Opera 'Madam-ma Butterfly' competition. I always learn something new and exciting independently. So I can incorporate it to whatever my project is and make it different and mind blowing. I want my ideas to tell story and be exiting, new and extraordinary. I am not a fan of pop culture and high street trends, I love timeless fashion but I am also flexible and can collaborate with any project or task given at the high standard.
Everything I am doing right now, is just a first step towards my true goal, so this is why I am choosing this course, I want to learn in the competitive environment, embrace the pattern cutting and engage myself with strong opportunities and become a professional fashion designer who will be capable of creating working places for other people in future and actively involved in the difficult but most wonderful world of fashion.

Ineta Joksaite

Work Experience

Shauna Fay

Fashion designer assistant internship

Internship. Job duties include sewing, over locking, sorting fabrics, cutting, visual merchandising, tidying, photography, shopping and anything what I'm asked for.
February 2014 - Present Belfast, United Kingdom

Oakridge Care Home

Care Assistant

Night shift duty in a dementia care elderly unit. Job including dressing, washing, feeding, emotional support, paper work filling and other relevant duties.
February 2009 - July 2012 Ballynahinch, United Kingdom


Belfast Metropolitan College

Level 2 Exploring Business Enterprise

Very High potential business course, helped me to get to know the world of business and be prepared for entrepreneurship.
October 2012 - June 2013 Belfast, United Kingdom

Belfast Metropolitan College

BTEC L3 Art &Design (Fashion and Clothing)

Amazing fashion course. It has so many units, including fashion buying, jewelery, pattern making, accessories, sewing, costume design, fashion illustration and presentation, contextual influences and more. This course gives me basics of everything I might need in my future.
September 2013 - Present Belfast, United Kingdom


Lithuanian (Native),
English (Fluent),
Russian (Advanced),
Spanish (Conversational),


Adobe Photoshop, Advanced Document Filling, Cooking, Creative Writting, Dancing, Fashion Design, Fashion Illustration, Interior Design, Interpreting, Make Up, Nail Art, Painting, Photo Manipulation, Power Point, Wild Surviving,