Баннер профиля Myra Kinko-Smyth
Профиль Myra Kinko-Smyth

Myra Kinko-Smyth

Product Designer

Lackabane Consultancy



Нанять Myra

Design Audit / Competitive Audit UX
Design Audit / Competitive Audit UX

От US$1,200

With more than 20 years of experience in the field of product UX design, I have developed substantial expertise that enables me to mentor and provide valuable advice to clients. Over the course of my career, I have continuously refined my skills and deepened my understanding of user experience design, allowing me to offer insightful guidance to individuals and organizations. Drawing upon my extensive knowledge, I am committed to delivering strategic insights and practical recommendations that align with clients' objectives, fostering the development of successful and user-centric design solutions.

Less than a week

1 concept, 1 revision

Web Design & E-Commerce
Web Design & E-Commerce
Web Design & E-Commerce

От US$2,200

With a wealth of experience in the field, I have extensive skills in website design, encompassing both corporate websites and e-commerce platforms. Throughout my professional journey, I have successfully delivered numerous projects in these domains, ensuring visually appealing, user friendly and highly functional designs that cater to the specific needs and goals of businesses. Whether it's creating engaging corporate websites that effectively communicate brand identity and values, or developing seamless and user-friendly e-commerce platforms that drive conversions and enhance online shopping experiences, I have consistently demonstrated my expertise in the realm of website design.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Flyer & Brochure Design
Flyer & Brochure Design

От US$2,200

Flyer and brochure design is a highly sought-after service among my clients, and I bring a wealth of experience in this field. With many years dedicated to honing my skills in this area, I offer a comprehensive and expert approach to creating impactful promotional materials.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions

T-Shirt & Merchandise Design
T-Shirt & Merchandise Design
T-Shirt & Merchandise Design

От US$2,200

I have established a proven track record in delivering exceptionally captivating apparel designs. Spanning several years, I have successfully created over 400 unique t-shirt and apparel designs for RoadTrooper.com. Additionally, I have collaborated with various clients, such as Castle Fuels, Courtneys Bar Killarney, and LemonRock Bike Rentals & Tours, to design workwear and promotional merchandise. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a deep understanding of the apparel industry, I consistently produce designs that capture attention and resonate with target audiences. Whether it's crafting visually striking t-shirt graphics or designing cohesive workwear that reflects a brand's identity, I strive to create apparel that stands out and leaves a lasting impression. My collaboration with RoadTrooper.com showcases my ability to consistently deliver high-quality designs over an extended period. Through careful consideration of the brand's style, target market, and messaging, I have created an extensive portfolio of compelling apparel designs that have resonated with customers and contributed to the brand's success. In addition to t-shirt designs, I have collaborated with clients such as Castle Fuels, Courtneys Bar Killarney, and LemonRock Bike Rentals & Tours to design workwear and promotional merchandise. By understanding their unique requirements and aligning with their brand identities, I have created apparel designs that reflect professionalism, convey brand messaging, and contribute to a cohesive and engaging brand experience. Overall, my successful track record in delivering highly appealing apparel designs, exemplified by my work with RoadTrooper.com and other esteemed clients, showcases my ability to create visually captivating designs that align with brand identities and resonate with target audiences.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Mobile App Design
Mobile App Design
Mobile App Design

От US$9,900

Mobile app design is one of my core skills, encompassing both web-based applications and dedicated apps for iOS and Android platforms. Throughout my career, I have successfully delivered exceptional mobile apps for esteemed companies, including PokerStars, Over-C, PokerGo, Carma, and more. With expertise in mobile app design, I possess a deep understanding of the unique considerations and intricacies involved in crafting user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces for mobile devices. Whether it's designing responsive web-based apps or creating native experiences for iOS and Android, I ensure that the apps I design are intuitive, engaging, and aligned with the specific platform's guidelines and best practices.

Within 2 months

2 concepts, 5 revisions

Dashboards Design
Dashboards Design

От US$13,500

Since 2016 I specialise in designing highly complex SaaS products including bespoke analytics dashboards.

Within 3 months

2 concepts, 3 revisions

Product Design / UX Design
Product Design / UX Design
Product Design / UX Design

От US$4,900

I possess more than 15 years of practical expertise in product design, encompassing a wide range of areas such as UI/UX design, prototyping, and information architecture. Throughout my career, I have garnered professional recognition in the form of esteemed awards in both Ireland and the UK. With hands-on experience spanning over a decade and a half, I have acquired a deep understanding of product design principles and methodologies. This includes crafting compelling user interfaces (UI) and designing intuitive user experiences (UX) that captivate and engage users. I prioritise user-centered design approaches, ensuring that the end products are tailored to meet the needs and desires of the target audience.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 3 revisions

Brand Design
Brand Design
Brand Design

От US$2,200

With two decades of experience, I have likely developed a deep understanding of brand design principles, strategies, and methodologies. This includes knowledge of visual identity, logo design, typography, colour theory, and other elements that contribute to creating a cohesive and impactful brand image.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 3 revisions