Michael Foust

Professional Studio, Commercial, and Fashion Photographer and Cinemaphotographer

Paris, France
Commercial visuals and UAV experience (70 hours Drone 500 hours + Flight multiengine experience), cinematographer & photographer internationally, with over four years' flight experience planning, developing, coordinating, and implementing impactful visuals with commercial and industry insights. Proven ability to provide excellent visuals and data with visuals and UAV systems for successful content and data.

Work Experience

Foust Visual Studios LLC

Owner & Commercial Visual Specialist

Performed commercial studio, visuals, and flight of drones, from initial preparation, authorization, flight management, and execution of tasks in the field. Elaborate and maintain maintenance, flight logs, and operational documentation according to legislation internationally within countries flight codes. Conducted strong skills in organization and leadership while presenting ability to complete work with camera equipment, stabilization gimbles, international and local drone flights, & software. Maintaining safe flights, flight planning, flight logs, post-flight, & flight maintenance for UAV field operations. Bolstered advertising &marketing efforts for businesses in over 7 different countries, provided high end visual content and editing services for their growth and target audiences. Conducted strong creative team management in organization & leadership while presenting ability to complete work with several types of camera equipment, pre and post editing work, and team management, Captured stunning visuals in all areas of UAV flight, photography, and cinematography products in over sevendifferent countries that increased visibility and revenue for clients. Management of studio, studio personnel, computers and visual software, studio equipment, lighting, lighting techniques, and portablestudio lighting for editorial, advertising, local & international print.
January 2018 - Present

De Mode Magazine

Fashion Edior & Sr. Journalist

Coverage of fashion events during Paris Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week, Australian Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, Shanghai Fashion Week, & Toronto Kids Fashion Week. Research and writing of editorial content of fashion events and sustainability of fashion materials. Coordination and collaboration with other international journalists and agencies. Crafted a strong attention to research, details, interviews, & quality with PR agencies, luxury brands, and press coordinators. Conducted strong skills in organization and leadership while presenting ability to complete work with camera equipment, stabilization gimbles, drone flight, & software. Plan, execute, and maintain fashion magazine industry quality editing within tight deadlines to create strong visual and written content.
November 2018 - Present Paris, France



Masters Program

Commercial Studio and Fashion Photography
September 2016 - August 2018 Paris, France


English (Native),
French (Conversational),


Accounting, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premeir Pro, Budgeting, Capture One, Cinematography, Drone, Editorial, Editorial Fashion, Editorial Photography, Excel, FAA Part 107, Fashion Design, Fashion Editor, Fashion Journalist, Fashion Magazine, Fashion Photography, Flight Management, Flight Planning, International Fashion Jou, International Photography, Interviews, Journalism, Photography, Project Management, Social Media, UAS Pilot, Website Building, Word,


De Mode Magazine, Paris, India, Italy

Shanghai Fashion Week; Shanghai, China

Amsterdam Fashion Week, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Afterpay Australian Fashion Week; Sydney

Paris Fashion Week Official; Paris

Milano Fashion Week; Milano

New York Fashion Week; USA

Fashion Week Studio; Paris

System; South Korea

LUKAS Awards, London

Vogue Italia; Milano

Top Team Photography; Los Angeles

Sphere; Paris

OCUS; Paris

Keller Williams; USA

OuiFlash; European Union

Guy Hoquet Immoblier; France

Wonderbox; France

Smartbox; France

Groupe Medociane; France

SAS Goodmoon; France

City of Dreux Tourism; Dreux, France

Nila Baharuddin Couture, Indonesia

Yulin Haute Couture, Taiwan

Cunnard Cruise Lines; South Hampton, United Kingdom

Melia Wijawa Couture; Indonesia

Mossi Haute Couture; Paris

Printemps; Paris

Gallerie Lafayette; Paris

Georgina Herrara Jewellery; USA

Odalys Marino Couture; USA

House of Solana Couture; USA

Toronto Kids Fashion Week, Toronto

Vaan Handmade, Paris, Serbia

Aggie & Francois Childrens Couture, France

MOK Pret a Porter Paris, Paris, New York

Cobblestone Paris Properties, Paris, Chicago

LV Magazine Kids; USA

Indi Kids Fashion Magazine, USA

UberEats; European Union & USA

Deliveroo; European Union & USA

Kodakit; Singapore

Visit Denver, USA

Sports Solutions, Paris

Gravity Race, Lac d'Annecy; France

AscEnDanse Hip Hop, Paris

Universal Museum of Art, Paris

Speos Art Gallery, Paris

LACDA, Los Angeles

Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

CSU Collage of Veterinary Science, USA

Satellite Coffee Company, USA

Denver Art Museum, Denver

Conceptions Southwest Magazine, USA

Site Santa Fe, Santa Fe

Kadena AB, Japan

Wings Over The Rockies Air Museum, USA

Artel Art Gallery, USA

Quayside Art Gallery, USA

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, USA